By Chloe Prasetya.
“snip goes the scream of scissors & / i watch my dignity slip through the eaves of my fingers, / dark and oil-slick like a drowned bird.

Haircut by Dina Goldstein.
the weight of july slings me full in the face.
sepia-tinted guilt. aches simmered down to burnt caramel.
the bathroom’s glaring amber floodlights.
snip goes the scream of scissors &
i watch my dignity slip through the eaves of my fingers,
dark and oil-slick like a drowned bird. later
my mother will tell me, voice a
slammed door:
to cut away is not to bring closure.
the sky has been chewed up &
spat out with abandon. it bleeds
lasciviously from the pores of my skin.
i handle my hair ribbons as i would
blood-soaked bandages. the light kisses
me, mournful. ye of little faith, it gleams, brass-cheeked
like the mother of my youth.
my bones are riddled with hailstones.
open my mouth, now, and let the deep blue
tear my tongue out.
The Blood Pudding – August 1, 2023
Chloe Prasetya is a rising senior based in Singapore. Her poetry draws on her Southeast Asian heritage, seeking to process memories that are otherwise difficult to articulate and histories that go unacknowledged.
Artwork: Dina Goldstein is an Israeli contemporary visual artist, born in 1969, in Tel Aviv, Israel and based in Vancouver, Canada. She is known for her conceptual and complex photographic work in a pop surrealist style. You can find more about her here.