There is a Thin Knot.
By Terence Degnan.
“I’ve scared up a supernova / upon which I’ve scribbled / a grocery list“

Artwork by Nina Ždanovič.
There is a Thin Knot
that hangs gently
in the room
where I have stopped sending my mail
and while I imagine
a jam has built up
in the queue
in its place
or possibly somewhere alongside it
I’ve scared up a supernova
upon which I’ve scribbled
a grocery list;
a long and winding diversion
I’ve lost track of how long
my thoughts have thinned there
to become vivid or kelp
or terrible swimmers
the knot is a greyed talisman
but in my flight of fancy
it has silvered
like a baby’s spoon
is not used on a baby
and instead sits in the silverware drawer
like Joseph in a well
like a title does on a book
bored to death
by misuse
The Blood Pudding – September 4, 2020

Terence Degnan has published two full-length books of poetry. He is a co-director at the Camperdown Organization which was created to increase access to publication and education as well as promote agency for underrepresented writers. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter. You can find him at terencedegnan.com.
Artwork: Nina Zdanovic is originally from Vilnius, Lithuania, and is currently based in Tokyo. Her work reflects her belief that humans don’t live in an objective world, that the reality that surrounds us always reflects what we are going through. She explores how our memories, thoughts, and experiences affect how we perceive reality and searches for the intersection between the real and mystical, between the inner and the outer worlds. You can find her and buy her work at ninazdanovic.com.