By Ellie Snyder.
“You won’t be able to run or be loved, or commune with / this world without shame. She began to grow black fur and teeth and got / louder in the winter so I listened. “

No Time to Regret by Agata Żychlińska.
One Thursday night before the albums drop I decide to let my organs reset,
palms pressed to the soft animal of my belly and its coils finally
strung out by the little girl’s ancient hands. She fears fullness. Eyes wide,
she says, You won’t be able to run or be loved, or commune with
this world without shame. She began to grow black fur and teeth and got
louder in the winter so I listened. Wanting to be fleet of foot and
crystalline to the half-blind man I cleaned myself out. Emptied reserves.
Until tonight with the music coming when I hold the little watchdog
in my belly’s red darkness until, protected, she stops trying to protect me,
melts for now into the bed of self and awaits melody and sleep.
The Blood Pudding – November 27, 2023

Ellie Snyder is a poet and copywriter for a nonprofit helping people, pets and the planet in Boise, Idaho. Read her work in New Note Poetry, Fauxmoir, Pinky Thinker Press and forthcoming in Tiny Seed Journal.
Artwork: Agata Żychlińska is an exciting Polish painter who has exhibited her work in Germany, Poland, India and the UK. Employing vivid colours and sharp lines, she seeks to collect trivial situations that occur in everyday life and transform them into something a little surprising or extraordinary. Her primary visual focus is on shape, which she uses to communicate universal emotions and the movement of humans and nature. You can find more about her here.