Hometown 1980.

By Eric Vithalani.

” I won’t get picked for All-Stars. / Matt will get a Boa Constrictor, name it Piedmont / and put his hand up Kelly B’s shirt, describe / her nipple like a spectacular song.

Artwork by Igor Vitomirov.

A coal train will derail by the little league field then            

men fly in, yellow jackets with yellow tape. 


They’ll leave, we’ll hit grounders, make up stories                      

about a kid who will shoot himself in the dugout.      


John Lennon is going to die. I won’t get picked for All-Stars.      

Matt will get a Boa Constrictor, name it Piedmont


and put his hand up Kelly B’s shirt, describe

her nipple like a spectacular song. From that point on,


she’s going to look older. I won’t playing baseball again,

start smoking pot, cut the sleeves off my jean jacket.                 


I’m going to make out with Matt’s sister                                               

in the backseat of her car. Ghosts won’t watch,


act like all of this is true, but no one will know                   

for sure. Steely Dan on cassette, the blue eyeshadow,


the freedom, root beer lip gloss, the love, and the revolt.

I wouldn’t have much to say after that, but walking home


by the overturned train, I will sing.

The Blood Pudding – December 7, 2024

Eric Vithalani lives in Surf City, NC, teaches English at a Community College and holds a MFA from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. His work appears Lilies and Cannonballs Review, Kakalak: An Anthology of Carolina Poets, Blood Orange Review, inscape, Sliver of Stone, Phantom Drift Limited, Brillg Lit Mag, Apple Valley Review among other journals. Eric has been nominated for the Push Cart and Best New Poets prizes.

Artwork: Igor Vitomirov has over 18 years experience of working in photography and has a broad expertise in the area. He loves nature and people and their interactions. His photos show his processed reflection of feelings and impressions of the world near him. You can find more about her here.